lengths that allow connections to adjacent logic areas. Sometimes, longer
connections are needed, and either a longer line must be used or shorter
lines must be connected together to form the connection. This is shown in
Figure 16-4.
The job of the place and route tool is to create the programming files
that will be used to specify the logic function of the logic macros in the logic
areas and the switch programming of the wires used to connect the macros
together. Too many switches on a routed signal can cause some negative
performance effects. Each switch adds capacitance and resistance to the
routed signal. After only a few connections, signals start to slow signifi-
cantly because of the capacitance and resistance of the line.
The place and route tool, therefore, must try to minimize long connections
and the number of switches for a particular signal to create designs with
the highest speed. To get the highest utilization, the place and route
tools need to pack as many of the logical functions into a logic area as
possible and then use as much local routing resources as possible to connect
these functions.
The place and route tools can make tradeoffs if the speed-critical signals
are known ahead of time and are implemented using the highest speed
interconnect signals. The placement algorithm also tries to place logical
gates on the critical path close to each other so that local interconnect can
be used to connect the gates. Local interconnect is usually very fast because
the wires are short. Short wires have less capacitance and resistance and,
therefore, can operate at much higher speeds.
372 Chapter Sixteen
12 13
6 7
Connects short
segments together
Figure 16-4
Vertical and Horizon-
tal Routing.