of this wizard is shown in Figure 16-6. This introduces the concept of a
wizard to the user.
The next step is to select the directory that contains the EDIF file that
was generated by Leonardo Spectrum. In Figure 16-7, the directory of the
EDIF file, the name of the project, and the name of the top-level entity
are specified. It is usually a good idea to make the name of the project and
top-level entity the same.
The next step in the wizard is to add the EDIF file to the project.
Clicking the next button brings up the interface shown in Figure 16-8.
Using the button with the three dots, the file user can find the file and
add it to the project.
The next step is to specify the EDA settings so that the EDIF file can be
properly interpreted. Use the Project EDA Tool Settingsmenu item to
invoke the EDA Tool Settings Dialog box shown in Figure 16-9. The Design
entry/synthesis tool item needs to be changed to Leonardo Spectrum.
The next step is to select the physical device to implement.
Remember we will use the EP20K200EFC484 device. This device
is selected from the list of devices shown in Figure 16-10. The Chips and
Devices tab displays a list of devices to select from. The list includes the
device and the speed grade.
Finally the device pins need to be assigned to the ports of the VHDL
design. The cpu clock port must be assigned to a pad driver that is capable
374 Chapter Sixteen
Figure 16-6
New Project Wizard.