Appendix C Reading VHDL BNF
After the basic concepts of VHDL are understood, the designer might
want to try to write VHDL in a more elegant manner. To fully understand
how to apply all of the syntactic constructs available in VHDL, it is helpful
to know how to read the VHDL Bachus-Naur format (BNF) of the lan-
guage. This format is in Appendix A of the IEEE Std 1076-1987 VHDL
Language Reference Manual(LRM), pages A1 to A17. This format
specifies which constructs are necessary versus optional, or repeatable
versus singular, and how constructs can be associated.
BNF is basically a hierarchical description method, where complex
constructs are made of successive specifications of lower-level constructs.
Our purpose for examining BNF is not to understand every nuance of the
BNF but to put the basics to use to help build complex VHDL constructs.
To this end, let us examine some BNF and discuss what it means.
Following is the BNF for the IFstatement:
if_statement ::=
IF condition THEN
{ELSIF condition THEN
The first line of the BNF description specifies the name of the construct
being described. This line is read as follows:“The IFstatement consists
of,”or “The IFstatement is constructed from.”The rest of the description
represents the rules for constructing an IFstatement.
The second line of the description specifies that the IFstatement starts
with the keyword IF, is followed by a condition construct, and ends the
clause with the keyword THEN. The next line contains the construct
SEQUENCE_OF_STATEMENTS(which is discussed later in this appendix).
All of the constructs discussed so far are required for the IFstatement
because the constructs are not enclosed in any kind of punctuation.
Statements enclosed in brackets [ ], as in lines 6 and 7, are optional
constructs. An optional construct can be specified or left out depending on
the functionality required. The ELSEclause of the IFstatement is an
example of an optional construct. A legal IFstatement may or may not
have an ELSEclause.