74 Chapter Four
Object Types
A VHDL object consists of one of the following:
Signal, which represents interconnection wires that connect com-
ponent instantiation ports together.
Variable, which is used for local storage of temporary data, visible
only inside a process.
Constant, which names specific values.
Signal objects are used to connect entities together to form models. Signals
are the means for communication of dynamic data between entities. A
signal declaration looks like this:
SIGNAL signal_name : signal_type [:= initial_value];
The keyword SIGNALis followed by one or more signal names. Each
signal name creates a new signal. Separating the signal names from the
signal type is a colon. The signal type specifies the data type of the infor-
mation that the signal contains. Finally, the signal can contain an initial
value specifier so that the signal value may be initialized.
Signals can be declared in entity declaration sections, architecture
declarations, and package declarations. Signals in package declarations
are also referred to as global signals because they can be shared among
Following is an example of signal declarations:
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
PACKAGE sigdecl IS
TYPE bus_type IS ARRAY(0 to 7) OF std_logic;
SIGNAL vcc : std_logic := ‘ 1 ’;
SIGNAL ground : std_logic := ‘ 0 ’;
FUNCTION magic_function( a : IN bus_type) RETURN
END sigdecl;
USE WORK.sigdecl.ALL;