Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

reliable sources of high power-density will be required in future for military
drones and could have applications in biology.
There will also be improved automation. Time-difference of arrival (TDOA)
systems may become available for automated tracking of the smallest VHF tags.
Analyses will become automated to minimize the need for decisions that now
complicate them, leading ultimately to automation of complex modeling sys-
tems. Improvements in reliability and automated decision support will tend
toward radio-tagging techniques that are developed initially by professionals,
then adopted by trained volunteers. Spatially specific population modeling, based
on thrice-annual checks by volunteers, is practical already.

Arthur, S. M., Manly, B. F. J., McDonald, L. L., and Garner, G. W. (1996). Assessing
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Brittas, R. and Karlbom, M. (1990). A field evaluation of the Finnish 3-man chain: a method
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Evans, I.M., Summers, R.W., O’Toole, L., Orr-Ewing, D.C., Evans, R., Snell, N., and
Smith, J. (1999). Evaluating the success of translocating Red Kites Milvus milvusin the
UK. Bird Stud., 46, 129–144.
Fuller, M.R, Millspaugh, J.J., Church, C.E., and Kenward, R.E. (In press). Wildlife
telemetry. In Research and Management Techniques for Wildlife and Habitats, 6th edn, ed.
C. Braun. The Wildlife Society, Maryland.
Fuller, M.R., Seegar, W.S., and Howey, P.W. (1995). The use of satellite systems for the study
of bird migration. Israel J. Zool.,41, 243–252.
Fuller, R.M., Groom, G.B., and Jones, A.R. (1994). The Land Cover Map of Great Britain:
an automated classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper data. Photogrammet Eng Remote
Sensing, 60, 553–562.
Graber, R.R. and Wunderle, S.L. (1966). Telemetric observations of a Robin (Turdus migra-
torius).Auk, 83, 674–677.
Green, R. E., Hirons, G. J. M., and Cresswell, B. H. (1990). Foraging habitats of female
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinagoduring the incubation period. J. Appl. Ecol.,27,
Goss-Custard, J.D. (1996). The Oystercatcher: From Individuals to Populations. Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
Harris, S., Cresswell, W.J., Forde, P.G., Trewella, W.J., Woollard T., and Wray, S. (1990).
Home-range analysis using radio-tracking data—a review of problems and techniques
particularly as applied to the study of mammals. Mam. Rev., 20, 97–123.
Higuchi, H., Ozaki, K., Fujita, G., Minton, J., Veta, M., Soma, M., and Mita, N. (1996).
Satellite tracking of white-naped cranes migration and the importance of the Korean
demilitarised zone. Conserv. Biol., 10, 806–812.
Hill, I.F. (1998). Post-nestling mortality and dispersal in Blackbirds and Song Thrushes.
D.Phil. thesis, University of Oxford.

References| 157
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