Sustainable diets and biodiversity

(Marcin) #1


biodiversity of sustainable diets of the resident In-
digenous Peoples. Each case study and its intervention
have impressive stories of challenges and successes
that can inspire communities of Indigenous Peoples
everywhere to become proactive in protecting their
food systems. By documenting these unique food re-
sources and their cultural and ecosystem require-
ments, we recognize the imperatives to protect these
treasures of human knowledge to benefit Indigenous
Peoples and all humankind now and into the future.

Understanding the challenges and successes of im-
proving access to local food and improving dietary in-
takes and food and nutrition security of rural
Indigenous Peoples provides important lessons. While
it can be supposed that strategies with any group of
disadvantaged people will bring success within a set-
ting of Indigenous Peoples, this is not necessarily so
unless the issues of rural inaccessibility, serious dis-
crimination, and respect and protection of cultures
and ecosystems that provide wellness are addressed.
On the other hand, it is very likely that health promo-
tion lessons based in local food systems that resonate
with Indigenous Peoples will find a measure of mean-
ing for practitioners who address public health in any
community of disadvantaged people.

6. Acknowledgements
The many hundreds of scholars and community
leaders and residents who contributed to the re-
search and its publications represented in this re-
port are sincerely appreciated. Special recognition
is extended to Chief Bill Erasmus of the Dene Nation
and Assembly of First Nations in Canada for his con-
tinuing inspiration, encouragement and support.
The extensive collaboration with Dr Barbara
Burlingame is acknowledged with thanks, as are the
collaborators and project leaders associated with
the International Union of Nutritional Sciences Task
Force on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems and
Nutrition. Special appreciation is extended to the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research and The
Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center.

Bartlett, J.G., Madariega-Vignudo, L., O’Neil, J.D. & Kuhnlein,
H.V. (2007) Identifying Indigenous peoples for health research
in a global context: a review of perspectives and challenges.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 66(4):287-307.
Damman, S. (2010). Indigenous Peoples, rainforests protection
and climate change. SCN News No. 38: 63-68. United Nations
System SCN, Geneva.
FAO and CINE (2004-6). Indigenous Foods Posters.
Gracey, M. & King, M. (2009). Indigenous health Part 1:
Determinants and disease patterns. Lancet, 374(9683): 65-75.
Knuth, L. (2009). The right to adequate food and indigenous
peoples. How can the right to food benefit indigenous peoples?
Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
56 pp. (available at
KP Studios. (2009).
Kuhnlein, H.V., Smitasiri, S., Yesudas, S., Bhattacharjee, L., Li,
D.,S Ahmed, S.& Collaborators. (2006). Documenting Tradi-
tional Food Systems for Indigenous Peoples: International Case
Studies. Guidelines for Procedures.
Kuhnlein, H.V., Erasmus, B., Creed-Kanashiro, H., Englberger,
L., Okeke, E., Turner, N., Allen, L., Bhattacharjee, L.,et al.
(2006). Indigenous Peoples’ food systems for health: Finding
interventions that work. Public Health Nutrition. 9(8):1013-
Kuhnlein, H.V., Erasmus, B. & Spigelski, D. (2009) Indigenous
peoples’ Food Systems: the Many Dimensions of Culture,
Diversity and Environment for Nutrition and Health. United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
Also available on line at
Kuhnlein, H.V., Erasmus, B., Spigelski, D. & Burlingame, B. (in
press, 2011). Indigenous Peoples Food Systems and Wellbeing:
Interventions and Policies for Healthy Communities. United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
Reading, J. (2009). The crisis of chronic disease among Aborig-
inal Peoples: a challenge for public health, population health
and social policy. Victoria, University of Victoria. 185 pp.
Sims, J. & Kuhnlein, H.V. (2003) Indigenous Peoples Partici-
patory Health Research. Planning and management. Prepar-
ing Research Agreements. Geneva: World Health
Organization. 3 5 pp.
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 2009.
State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.
pdf, (page 4- the concept of Indigenous Peoples; pages 155-
187 Cunningham M – health)
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