Sustainable diets and biodiversity

(Marcin) #1

Protein content varied to a greater extent among dabai
fruits. While the highest protein content was found in
purple dabai fruits from Kanowit (5.20 g/100 g FW),
the lowest was in red dabai fruits from Sarikei
(3.45 g/100 g FW). It was observed that total avail-
able carbohydrate content in the red variety and in
purple dabai fruits from Song (9.16 and 8.97 g/10 0
g FW, respectively) were almost twofold higher
than purple dabai fruits from Kapit and Kanowit
(5.07 and 4.45 g/100 g FW, respectively). Red dabai
fruits were richer in available carbohydrate but
with reduced amount of protein as compared to
the purple variety.

  1. Mineral composition
    Mineral composition of dabai fruits varied consid-
    erably from one division to another, as well as vary-
    ing between the red and purple varieties (Table 2). The
    predominant minerals in dabai fruits were magne-
    sium (62.72–80.31 mg/100 g FW), calcium (28.47–
    4 3.72 mg/100 g FW), sodium (8.77–12.05 mg/100 g
    FW) and potassium (5.02–6.93 mg/100 g FW). Iron,
    zinc and copper were detected in appreciable
    amounts in dabai fruits of the present study. It was
    noted that dabai fruits from Kapit distinguishably
    had the highest contents of sodium, potassium and
    iron in every 100 g FW of fruits.

Table 2. Minerals composition of dabai fruits from different growing area.

Purple dabai fruits Red dabai fruits
Minerals* Kanowit Kapit Song Sarikei

Magnesium 80.31±3.97a 74.67±15.36a 76.09±24.07a 62.72±0.38a
(76.51–84.51) (56.26–93.23) (50.04–102.07) (62.38–63.25)

Calcium 28.47±1.56a 40.52±16.66a 43 .72±22.72a 40.60±0.11a
(26.87–30.08) (22.90–61.94) (16.00–67.88) (40.50–40.74)

Sodium 8.77±0.34b 1 2.05±3.45a 1 0.77±0.31a,b 9.36±0.05b
(8.47–9.50) (7.26–15.91) (10.13–11.19) (9.28–9.41)

Potassium 6.80±0.21a,b 6.93±1.71a 5.29±1.10b,c 5.02±0.13c
(6.50–7.19) (4.84–9.06) (3.64–6.76)(4.85–5.16)

Iron 3 .10±0.49a 3 .14±0.26a 2 .1 0 ± 0. 09 b 2. 80 ± 0. 0 4a
(2.58–3.60) (2.76–3.44) (1.93–2.18)(2.76–2.84)

Zinc 0.78±0.18b 0.81±0.05a,b 0.77±0.09b 0.92±0.01a
(0.61–0.95) (0.74–0.86) (0.66–0.87)(0.91–0.93)

Copper 0.47±0.06a 0. 35 ±0.14 0. 3 9±0.04aa 0.21±0.00b
(0.42–0.53) (0.24–0.55) (0.32–0.44)(0.20–0.21)

*mg/100 g fresh weight. Results are expressed in mean±SD and (range).
Values with different letters are significantly different at p < 0.05 within the same row.
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