Sustainable diets and biodiversity

(Marcin) #1


Almost even proportion of saturated fatty acids
(40.9–42.1%) and monounsaturated fatty acids
(39.8–43.2%) was observed. Results of the present
study are in good agreement with that of Azlanet al.
(2010) which the ratio of saturated (SFA): monoun-
saturated (MUFA): polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty
acids reported was 44.4: 42.8: 12.8. A notable finding
was that the percentage of PUFA in red dabai fruits
from Sarikei (19.1%) was higher than the purple
variety (15.9–17.0%).

  1. Phenolic constituents
    Total phenolics content and TFC of dabai fruits were
    found to be varied from one growing area to another;
    and significantly different between the red and pur-
    ple varieties. Purple dabai fruits collected from Kapit
    had the significantly highest TPC and TFC (p<0.01),

while the significantly lowest TPC and TFC (p <0.01)
were found in red dabai fruits. The TPC of purple
dabai fruits from Kapit was three times higher than
red dabai fruits. Purple dabai fruits from Kapit also
had the TFC which was five times higher than red
dabai fruits. It was observed that cooking the fruits
at 60°C for 3 – 5 minutes resulted in increases of TPC
and TFC (Tables 5 and 6).
Dabai fruits from Kapit, Kanowit and Song were all of
the purple variety, formed a homogeneous group
with no significant difference in their TAC, ranged
2.05–2.49 mg anthocyanins pigment/g DW.
In contrast, red dabai fruits from Sarikei had the sig-
nificantly lowest TAC (0.08 mg anthocyanins pig-
ment/g DW) (p<0.01). Contrarily to the previous two
observations, cooking of dabai fruits at 60°C for 3– 5
minutes resulted in decreases of TAC (Table 7).

Table 5 .Total phenolics content of dabai fruits from different growing areas.

Purple dabai fruits Red dabai fruits
TPC Kanowit¥ Kapit¥ Song¥ Sarikei

Cooked fruit 19.44±2.90b 33 .21±6.11a 22.81±5.91b 9.50±0.42c

Uncooked fruit 13 .79±1.18b 27.02±5.20a 14.12± 3 .97b 9.10±1.20b
TPC, total phenolics content expressed as mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g dried weight. Results are expressed in
mean±SD and (range).
Values with different letters are significantly different at p < 0. 0 5 within the same row.
¥ indicates significantly different at p < 0. 0 5 within the same column.

Table 6 .Total flavonoids content of dabai fruits from different growing areas.

Purple dabai fruits Red dabai fruits
TFC Kanowit¥ Kapit Song¥ Sarikei

Cooked fruit 55.46±9.11b 103.92±24.60a 53.31±12.15b 20.46±5.62c

Uncooked fruit 33.06±5.60b 86.06±21.71a 37.59±16.03b 14.08±3.23b
TFC, total flavonoids content expressed as mg rutin equivalent (RE)/g dried weight. Results are expressed in mean±SD and (range).
Values with different letters are significantly different at p < 0. 0 5 within the same row.
¥ indicates significantly different at p < 0. 0 5 within the same column.
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