Sustainable diets and biodiversity

(Marcin) #1

was significantly lower than purple dabai fruits (3.01
to 4.00 mg/g DW) (p<0.01); while the content of
other identified phenolic compounds was compara-
ble in both varieties. Epigalocatechin gallate, epicat-
echin, epicatechin gallate, apigenin and ellagic acid
were all present in appreciable amounts, while
vanilic acid and ethyl gallate were relatively lower
(Table 11). Cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside was the major
anthocyanin with its content been 16 and 26 times
higher in purple variety than red variety. Cyanidin
and its glycosides (cyanidin-3-O-glucoside and
cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside) were the main anthocyani-
dins and anthocyanins detected in both varieties;
with trace amount of pelargonidin. In addition, del-
phinidin, malvidin- 3 ,5-di-O-glucoside at appreciable
amount and trace of peonidin-3-O-glucoside were

also detected in purple dabai fruits (Table 12).
Within the same variety, in purple dabai fruits,
considerable variability in the content of all iden-
tified phenolic compounds from one division to an-
other was noted. Turaet all. (2007) reported a
similar observation that the phenolic compounds
content of olive fruits was influenced by site of cul-
tivation/growing environment. Dabai fruits collected
from Kapit clearly exhibited the highest content of
almost all the identified phenolic acids and
flavonoids. Similarly, dabai fruits possessed the
highest content of all identified anthocyanidins and
anthocyanins were collected from Kapit. It is noted
that the total flavanols content of purple dabai fruits
was much higher than apple, blackberry, blueberry,
black grape, raspberry and strawberry (Artset al.,

Table 11.Contents of phenolic acids and flavonoids in dabai fruits from different growing areas.
Purple dabai fruits Red dabai fruits
Phenolic compound Kanowit Kapit Song Sarikei
Catechin 3.01±0.06b 4.00±0.58a 3.22±0.29a,b 0.33±0.02c
(2.93–3.08) (3.31–4.69) (2.84–3.64) (0.31–0.34)
Epigalocatechin gallate 0. 28 ± 0. 0 1a 0. 2 5± 0. 0 6a 0. 2 4± 0. 0 4a,b 0 .16± 0. 01 b
(0.27–0.29) (0.16–0.30) (0.21–0.29) (0.15–0.16)
Epicatechin 0.09±0.01a 0.10±0.04a 0.08±0.01a 0.07±0.00a
(0.08–0.10) (0.05–0.14) (0.06–0.10) (0.07–0.07)
Epicatechin gallate 0.04±0.01a,b 0.05±0.01a 0.03±0.01a,b 0.03±0.00b
(0.04–0.05) (0.03–0.06) (0.02–0.04) (0.03–0.03)
Apigenin 0. 09 ± 0. 0 1a,b 0 .1 2 ± 0. 02 a 0. 08 ± 0 .02b 0. 08 ± 0 .00b
Ellagic acid 0. 09 ± 0. 02 a 0. 2 1± 0 .11a 0 .16± 0. 07 a 0 .1 0 ± 0. 0 1a
(0.07–0.11)(0.08–0.34)(0.10–0.27) (0.09–0.10)
Vanilic acid 0.01±0.00a,b 0.02±0.01a 0.01±0.00a,b 0.01±0.00b
(0.01–0.01)(0.01–0.02)(0.01–0.02) (0.01–0.01)
Ethyl gallate 0.02±0.00b 0.0 3 ±0.01a 0.01±0.00b 0.01±0.00b
(0.01–0.02)(0.02–0.03)(0.01–0.02) (0.01–0.01)
mg/g DW. Results are expressed in mean±SD and (range).
Values with different letters are significantly different at p < 0.05 within the same row.
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