Sustainable diets and biodiversity

(Marcin) #1

Food and drink products play a central and funda-
mental role in daily life. Every day, some 4 80 million
EU citizens rely on high quality food for their nutrition,
health and well-being. The food and drink industry
is the largest manufacturing sector in Europe with
an annual turnover of€954 billion^1 and a leading
manufacturing sector in Italy: with a turnover of
€ 1 24 billion it is, along with agriculture, induced
activity and distribution, the central element of the
first economic sector of the country.^2
There is an increasing societal awareness of the
opportunities to improve the quality of life through
healthy eating and of the contribution that sustain-
able production can make to improvement of the
overall environment. The preferences of consumers
for quality, convenience, diversity and health, and
their justifiable expectations of safety, ethics and
sustainable food production serve to highlight the
opportunities for innovation.
As a response to these requirements Federali-
mentare, while already involved in the coordination
of the European Technological Platform “Food for
Life”, has started up, together with the University of
Bologna, ENEA, INRAN, the National Technology
Platform “Italian Food for Life”.

  1. The food and drink industry^3
    The food and drink industry is the largest manufac-
    turing sector in Europe with an annual turnover of
    €954 billion, half of which is generated by SMEs. The
    sector employs some 4.2 million people and is highly
    fragmented comprising some 310 000 companies,
    99.1 percent of which are SMEs having less than 5 0
    The Italian food and drink industry is one of the
    pillars of our national economy, representing the
    second manufacturing industry of our country with
    a turnover of 124 billion euros (of which 21 in export)
    and 32 300 companies – of which 6 500 with more
    than 9 employees and 2 600 with more than 1 9

employees – with over 41 0 000 employees.
Along with agriculture, induced activity and distribution,
the food and drink industry is the central element of
the first economic sector of the country. Industry buys
and processes 70 percent of the national agricultural
raw materials and is generally recognized as the
ambassador of Made in Italy in the world considering
that almost 80 percent of the Italian agrofood export
is represented by high quality industry brands.

Table 1.The Italian food and drink industry.
(Data and estimates Federalimentare, 2010)

The sector can claim several important factors and
its image is a heritage extremely appreciated in
Europe and in the world, divided in an enviable range
of high-quality products and on a wide series of
products of protected or controlled designation of
origin which are leading in the international markets.
It is a success due to the strict bonds of the Italian
food and drink production with land and with the
cultural heritage of Italy, and due to the safety
standards, along with the ability to mix tradition and
innovation of processes and of products. This is the
reason why the sector is the target of a wide range
of actions of imitation and forgery, especially on rich
and demanding markets, like the American and the
North European ones.
Nevertheless, in spite of these positive figures, the
food and drink industry is penalized by some
structural gaps that hold down its growth and its
capacity to compete. The main factor that penalizes
the growth of the food and drink industry is the

(^1) Source: CIAA data and Trends 2010
(^2) Source: Data and estimates Federalimentare 2010
(^3) Source: Data and estimates Federalimentare 2010.
124 bln C
32.3000 of which
6.500 companies >9 employees
2.600 companies >19 employees
21 bln C
17 bln C
4 bln C

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