Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice

(Steven Felgate) #1


  1. Foissy-Aufrere, M.-P 1983. La jeartlle d'Arc de Paul Delaroche, Salon de 18 24:
    dossier d'une oeuvre. Rouen: Musee des Beaux-Arts, 82-87.

  2. Hauptman, W 1985. Delaroche's and Gleyre's teaching ateliers and their group
    portraits. Studies in the History of Art (18) :79-82,89-97.

  3. Delecluze, E.-J. 1834. Salon de 1834 (2nd article). joumal des debats, politiques et
    litteraires 5 March 1834.

  4. Paris Salon de 18 34. Explication des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, architecture, gravure
    et lithographie des artistes vivalls exposes au Musee Royal Ie 1" mars, 1834. Paris:
    Vinchon. Facsim.ile edition, 1977. New York and London: Garland Publishing
    Inc., 52 (no. 503).

  5. Ziff, op cit., 126-35.

  6. Ganz, P 1950. The Paintings of Ha1/5 Holbeill. London: Phaidon, 251 (no. 107)
    and plate 148.

  7. Mirecourt, E. de, [C-J.-B.Jacquot]. 1871. Histoire co/I.temporaine: portraits et silhou­
    ettes au XIX" siMe. 11 9. Delaroche, Decamps. 3rd ed. Paris: Librairie des contem­
    porains, 16-17.

  8. Planche, G. 1855. Salon de 1834. In Etudes sur I 'ecole franfaise (18 31 -1852), pein­
    ture et sculpture. Paris: Michel Levy Freres, Vol. 1, 241.

  9. Boime, 1980. Op. cit., 56.

  10. Armitage, E. 1883. Lectures on painting, delivered to the students of the Royal Academy.
    London: Tri.ibner & Co., 254-56.

  11. Gould, C 1975. Delaroche and Gautier: Gautier's views on the ((Execution of Lady
    jane Grey" and on other compositions by Delaroche. Leaflet accompanying the ex­
    hibition of the restored painting. London: Trustees of the National Gallery, Pub­
    lications Department.

  12. Alley, R. 1959. Tate Gallery catalogues. The foreign paintings, drawings and sculpture.
    London: Trustees of the Tate Gallery, 298.

  13. Examination of the paint cross sections and pigments was carried out by Ashok
    Roy using optical mjcroscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with en­
    ergy-dispersive X-ray analysis, and X-ray diffraction. Identification of the paint
    media by gas chromatography mass spectrometry was performed by Raymond
    White. Identification of lake pigment dyestuffs by high performance liquid chro­
    matography was carried out by Jo Kirby. The conservation treatment is described
    in the National Gallery conservation records.

  14. Boime, 1971. Op. cit., 22-47.

  15. Bouvier, P-L. 18 32. Manuel des jeunes artistes et amateurs en peinture. 2nd ed. Paris:
    F. G. Levrault.

  16. Paillot de Montabert,J.-N. 1829. Traite complet de la peinture. Paris: Bossange pere,
    Vol. 9, 36- 65.

  17. Arsenne, L.-C 1833. Manuel du peintre et du sculpteur [etc.]. Paris: Librairie en­
    cyclopedique de Roret, Vol. 2, 195-413.

  18. For example, Godde states that the ebauche of Strafford (1835, location unknown)
    was painted by Henri Delaborde from Delaroche's watercolor sketch and a wax
    model. Godde, 1858. Op. cit. (note 3), plate 19 and commentary.

  19. Ingamells,J. 1986. The Wallace Collection. Catalogue of Pictures, II, French Nineteenth
    Century. London: Trustees of the Wallace Collection, 114 (no. P604).

  20. Foissy-Aufrere, op. ci t., 21-23.

  21. Boime, 1971. Op. cit., 45, 102-3.

  22. Godde, 1858. Op. cit. (note 3), plate 16 and commentary.

  23. Ziff, N. D. 1975. Dessins de Paul Delaroche au cabinet des Dessins du musee du
    Louvre. La Revue du Louvre et des Musees de France, XXV: 163-68. A further
    donation of drawings was made to the Louvre in 1982.

  24. Etude pour la 'Jane Gray" [sic], 1727RF. Pencil and red chalk, 23.1 X 20 cm.
    See Guiffrey, J., and P Marcel. 1910. Inventaire general des dessins du Musee du
    Louvre et du Musee de Versailles. Ecole franfaise. Paris: Librairie centrale d'art et
    d'architecture. Vol. 5, 2-3 (no. 3535).

  25. Delaborde and Godde, op. cit., 15, plate 14 and conU11entary.

  26. Paillot de Montabert, op. cit., vol. 9, 144-47.

  27. Bouvier, op. cit., 236-37.

  28. Couture, T. 1879. Conversations on Art Methods lMetlLOde et entretiens d'atelierJ.
    (French edition, 1867). New York: G. P Pu tnam's Sons, 7.

  29. Delaborde, op. cit., 18.

  30. Armitage, op. ci t., 79.

  31. Boime, 1971. Op. cit., 36-41.

  32. Bouvier, op. cit., 207-74.

Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice

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