Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice

(Steven Felgate) #1

Figure 5. Gherardo Cibo, several proofs of colors and “Fusaina” flowers, from folio 184v of Herbarium,

ca. 1570. © British Library Board (ADD MS 22332).


Paragraph 2. Alfred Butler assessed the beams in 1880, not the 1870s.


Paragraph 4. The first icon, The Virgin Mary and Child enthroned between Archangels, Prophets and

Egyptian, Greek and Syrian Holy Bishops and Monks, measures c. 50 x 246.5 x 2.5 cm, and is shown in

Plate 17 and Figures 3 (left) and 4a, b. The second icon, Six Equestrian Saints (originally ten saints),

measures c. 50 x 212 x 2.5 cm, is shown in Plate 18 and in Figures 2a,b; 3 (right); and 4c-e.


Acknowledgments. The author...has been working since 1989 as the Field Director of the joint Egyptian-

Netherlands ‘Coptic Icons Conservation Project’ based in the Coptic Museum in Cairo, not as the Field

Director of the Coptic Museum in Cairo as originally published.

Note 3. The correct reference: Butler, A. J. 1884.


Note 13. The correct reference: MacCoull, L.S.B. 1993. The Apa Apollos Monastery at Pharoou. In Le

Muséon (106), note 11.

Note 20. Abu al-Makarim, a Coptic priest from the church of the Holy Virgin at Harat Zuwayla, Cairo,

left folios in a manuscript dating from around 1200 known as History of the Churches and Monasteries in

Lower Egypt in the 13th Century. See Père Samuel du Monastère des Syriens. 1990. Icônes et

iconographie en Égypte au XIIe siècle d’après le manuscrit d’Abū- El-Makārim, publié en Arabe au Caire

en 1984. Le Monde Copte, No. 18. Limoges, 78.

PAGE 115

Figure 3. Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506). The Presentation in the Temple. Original strainer with panel

inserts seen from front. 68.9 x 86.3 cm. Gemaeldegalerie, Staatliche Museen, Berlin, Germany. Photo

credit: bpk, Berlin/Art Resource, NY.

PAGE 135

Lines 9,12, and 14. “Mander” should read “van Mander.”

PAGE 137

Line 2. “No ground is used” should read “no ground appears in this sample.”

PAGE 158

Figure 1. Image source: Period photo reproduced in O. von Schleinitz, William Holman Hunt (Bielefeld

and Leipzig: Verlag von Velhagen & Klasing, 1907).

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