Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. A Practical Treatise on Painting in Oil Colours. 17 95. London, v.

  2. Daly, M. 19 93. The varnished truth. Art Review. Vol. XLV (November): 57.

  3. Davidson, C. 19 86. A Woman's Work 15 Never Done. London: Chatto & Windus,
    13 2.

  4. Carlyle, L., and J. Townsend. 19 90. An investigation oflead sulphide darkening
    of nineteenth-century painting materials. In Dirt and Pictures Separated, London:
    United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, 40-43.

  5. Carlyle, L. 19 90. British nineteenth-century oil painting instruction books: a
    survey of their recommendations for vehicles, varnishes, and methods of paint
    application. In Cleaning, Retouching, and Coatings: Technology of Practice for Easel
    Paintings and Polychrome Sculpture. London: International Institute for Conser­
    vation, 79.

  6. "Experiments concur with daily Observation to prove, that different Bodies,
    whether Principles or Compounds, have such a mutual Conformity, Relation,
    Affinity, or Attraction, as disposes some of them to join and unite together,
    while they are incapable of contracting any Union with others. Substances hav­
    ing an affinity together, will unite and form one Compound. It may be laid
    down as a general Rule, that similar Substances have an Affinity with each other,
    as Water with Water, Earths with Earths, &c." James, R. 17 64. Pharmacopoeia
    Universalis: Or, A New Universal English Dispensatory. London, 11.

  7. Carlyle, L. 1991. A critical analysis of artists' handbooks, manuals and treatises
    on oil painting published in Britain between 1800 -1900: with reference to se­
    lected eighteenth-century sources (Ph.D. diss., Courtauld Institute of Art, Uni­
    versity of London), Vol. I, 27-28.

  8. Lowenthal, D. 19 85. The Past 15 a Foreign Country. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni­
    versity Press, xvi.

  9. Townsend, J., L. Carlyle, S. Woodcock, and N. Khandekar. n.d. Later nine­
    teenth-century pigments: analysis of reference samples, and evidence for adul­
    terants and substitutions. The Conservator. United Kingdom of Conservation.

  10. Templeton, J. S. 18 46. The Guide to Oil Painting. London, 28.

  11. Ibid., 58.

  12. Carlyle 19 90, op. cit., 76.

  13. Williams, W. 17 87. An Essay on the Mechanic of Oil Colours .... Bath, En-
    gland, 47.

  14. Smith, M. 1693. The Art of Painting .... London, 73.

  15. Ibid., 71.

  16. For example, "The oils are the mixture of oil and turpentine; and as the portrait
    advances towards the finishing sitting, nut or poppy oil may be substituted in
    the mixture for boiled oil." Cawse, J. 18 22. Introduction to the Art of Painting in
    Oil Colours. London, 15.

  17. Carlyle 19 91, op. cit., 288.

  18. Ibid., 247.

  19. Lowenthal, op. cit.

Carlyle 5

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