Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1
cosmic abundance, and of the cosmic honor flame through the
governments, economies, and military establishments of the free
The governments of Russia and the former Soviet republics,
the People’s Republic of China, all Communist and socialist po-
litical parties, cells, mem bers, and espionage activities in every
nation upon earth; all Illuminati support and backing of the World
Communist movement and other Communist states; the selling of
industrial, military, and nuclear material to any Communist coun-
tries; all Communist, revolutionary, and guerrilla training camps
and centers; Fidel Castro et al., and the Cuban Communist
machine; Portugal, Italy, Turkey, the Phil ip pines, Spain, Angola
[Lebanon, Puerto Rico, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North
Korea, Honduras, Tibet] __________________________________
_________________ and all countries be sieged by the dragon of
World Communism and the entire planetary body.
All Communist leaders, revolutionaries, agitators, anar-
chists, assassins, Communist military personnel, the KGB/FSB,
secret police, spies, strategists, politicians, policymakers, and
members of the politburo, malcontents, malevolents, perverts,
psychics, insane and confused people; Communist military
establishments, the Russian and Chinese armed forces, all per-
sonnel connected with the Communist war machine; and espe-
cially all Luciferians, Satanists, fallen ones, the godless creation,
and the laggard generation using World Communism in any of
its modes, disguises, or subterfuges as a means to conquer the
sons and daughters of God and the children of the Light through-
out the planetary body.
*Close in upon it all and transmute, transmute, transmute
it all—cause, effect, record, and memory—before it can act,
approach, or encroach upon life any longer. Replace it all right
now by the cosmic threefold flame in the full power of the three-
times-three, in the full power of the ten thousand-times-ten thou-
sand and the full power of the thousandfold flame of the sacred
love of the sacred fire in overcoming cosmic power, tripled each
instant of each hour, until all are wholly ascended in the Light
and free. Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved I AM! (3x)*
And in full Faith...

7.03A (cont.) The End of World Communism and the ICCC

(Here you may name other trouble spots.)


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