Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1



In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of
God, I AM in me from the Great Central Sun, my own beloved
Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved
Great Divine Director, Guru Ma, Lanello and K-17, the entire
Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother,
elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! I decree:
Archangel Michael (3x) and all the beloved archangels,
Ascended Master Jesus Christ (3x) and the seven mighty Elohim,
beloved Lord Gautama and beloved Lord Maitreya, Ascended
Masters Kuthumi, Djwal Kul, and beloved Kuan Yin, Goddess
of Mercy:
In beloved Mother Mary’s and Saint Germain’s names and
by their love, I invoke the golden healing oil of peace from the
mighty Elohim of Peace poured out now over the whole earth and
every lifestream in existence.
Saturate, saturate, saturate the earth with oceans and oceans
of Cosmic Christ peace which can never be requalified by the
human. Blaze the light of peace through (3x), beloved I AM!
Mighty Portia, Goddess of Justice: Drive and blaze thy light
of cosmic justice through all Communism, Communists, the Illu-
minati, the international capitalist/communist conspiracy and the
godless creation, all Luciferianism, Luciferian agitators, fallen
angels, laggards, and disturbed people. Set them free (3x) right
now today from all that never should have been!
Great cosmic Masters and cosmic beings of Ascended Mas-
ter Light, Cosmic Christs, beloved Mighty Astrea, and all who
have to do with the release of the sacred fire:
Strike, strike, strike your mighty cosmic swords of blue
flame and your cosmic circle and sword of blue flame in, through,
and around the cause and core of the dragon of World Commu-
nism and the consciousness behind it! And lock your cosmic
circle and sword of blue flame in, through, and around all Com-
munists, Communist leaders, revolutionaries, infiltrators, agita-
tors, anarchists, assassins, Communist military personnel, the
KGB/FSB, secret police, spies, strategists and policymakers, and
all malcontents, insane and confused people, and step them up by
cosmic power until the action of their own electrons throws off all
discord and disturbances acting in them.
Do it today, do it to stay, do it God’s way, beloved I AM,
beloved I AM, beloved I AM!
And in full Faith...
Copyright © 1962, 1976 Summit Publications, Inc. 87

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