Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1
7.11S (cont.) The Suicide Entity Decree

B) Beloved Archangel Michael, beloved Mighty Hercules and
Astrea, beloved El Morya, all ascended beings, powers, activi-
ties, and legions of Light, angels and activities of the sacred fire:
Lock! your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame of
thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun in, through,
and around: all humanly created evil entities and all rebellion
and suicide entities around our children and youth and Shatter!
Shatter! Shatter! all negative thoughtforms, influences, and
akashic records adversely affecting all children of the Light,
sons and daughters of God, mankind, elemental life, the earth
and her evolutions.
Beloved Archangel Michael, beloved Mighty Hercules and
Astrea, all ascended beings, powers, activities, and legions of
Light, angels and activities of the sacred fire:
Lock! your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame of
thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun in, through,
and around: all rebellion and suicide entities, demons, and dis-
carnates amplified through the media, TV, MTV, rock video,
drugs and sugar—their cause, effect, record, and memory!
And by the power of the Great Teams of Conquerors, the
seven mighty Elohim, Archangels, and Chohans of the Rays,
Sanat Kumara, Surya and Cuzco, and the Mighty Blue Eagle
from Sirius, Seize, pin, and bind! Seize, pin, and bind! Seize,
pin, and bind!—
The suicide entity Annihla (all focuses, masks and mas-
querades thereof; all malicious, ignorant, sympathetic, and deli-
cious animal magnetism exerting pressure thereto), all mass
entities, floating grids and forcefields and pockets of suicide
records on the astral plane of individual, group, national, inter-
national (World Com munism and the ICCC), collective, com-
munal, cult (Jones town), teen cluster or copycat suicide—
especially at Golden Gate Bridge in San Fran cisco, Wall Street
and the Empire State Building in New York and at ____
___ .(Here insert names of geographical locations of repetitive suicides past or present.)

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