Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1

systems of operation, maintenance, and control; and all efforts
to force upon the American people any solution to the nation’s
energy crisis, including the nuclear breeder reactor program,
which is not in keeping with the will of God, the wisdom of
God, and the love of God—with their causes and cores.
Close in upon it all and transmute, transmute, transmute
it all—cause, effect, record, and memory—before it can act,
approach, or en croach upon life any longer. Replace it all right
now by the cosmic threefold flame in the full power of the
three-times-three, in the full power of the ten thousand-times-
ten thousand and the full power of the thousandfold flame of
the sacred love of the sacred fire in overcoming cosmic power,
tripled each instant of each hour, until all are wholly ascended
in the Light and free. Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved
I AM! (3x)

In the name of Jesus the Christ and by the authority of the
threefold flame vested in me as a son of God, I claim the earth
for Saint Germain, the Mother Flame, Gautama Buddha, and
the I AM Presence and Christ Self of all mankind. I refuse to
allow its divine destiny to be interfered with by the Luciferians,
the fallen ones, the laggards, or their robot creations.
In the name of the Father, the Mother, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit, I affirm and confirm the purity of the Mother Ray
upon this planet; and in the name of the entire Spirit of the
Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, I demand:

  • That the spread of nuclear weapons, science and technol-
    ogy, power plants and other installations cease, and a universal
    nuclear test ban be imposed, except in those cases specifically
    authorized by the Lord of the World, the Lords of Karma, and
    the Four and Twenty Elders;

  • That the American people and their representatives in gov-
    ernment be told the truth regarding the benefits and dangers of
    nuclear power and that adequate legislation be enacted and
    enforced to ensure the health and safety of all present and
    future generations of mankind and elemental life;

Copyright © 1976 Summit Publications, Inc.


Omni Decree on Nuclear Energy 7.15 (cont.)

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