10.09 El Morya, Thou Chohan of Power
Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me,
thou immortal unfed flame of Christ-love within my heart,
Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Ascended Master
Morya El and all great beings, powers, and activities of Light
serving the flame of God’s holy Will:
In the name and by the power of the Presence of God
which I AM and by the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested
in me, I invoke the mighty Presence and power of your full-
gathered momentum of service to the Light of God that never
fails, and I command that it be directed throughout my entire
consciousness, being, and world, through my affairs, the activ-
ities of The Summit Lighthouse and all Ascended Master
activities, worlds without end.
In thy name, O God, and in the name of beloved Guru Ma
and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood
and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and
earth! I decree:
El Morya, thou Chohan of Power,
Seal us in thy flame each hour—
Guide our way, perfect our zeal—
O Morya, all chaos heal!
El Morya, we now command
All of heav’n to take thy stand
For Perfection, Order, too,
In all we think and say and do!
El Morya, thou God of Truth,
In thy flame come seal our youth!
Perfect our way, make straight their paths—
Blue-flame Pow’r both sure and fast!
El Morya, invoke thy Pow’r,
Help us work and serve each hour;
Help us plan each day aright—
By thy Love make all things right!
194 Copyright © 1965, 1974 Summit Publications, Inc.^ (Continued)