Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1


July 7, 1985
Give the ruby ray preamble.
In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence
of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self,
Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Alpha and Omega,
beloved Helios and Vesta, beloved Elohim of God, twelve
mighty arch angels of the LORD, legions of Light from the heart
of God in the Great Central Sun, Mighty Cosmos and Astrea,
beloved Justinius, Captain of Seraphic Bands, seraphim and
cherubim of God, the Lords of Karma, the Cosmic Council and
the Four and Twenty Elders, the beloved Maha Chohan and the
seven chohans of the rays, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the
entire Spirit of the Great White Brother hood and the World
Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth!
The Decree goes forth: Thus far and no farther! Either
the earth is to be destroyed for the infamy of the fallen ones,
else they themselves must have the instantaneous return by the
Ruby Ray of that which they have sent forth. Thus the Holy
Spirit has decreed in the case of those who have murdered the
heir or attempted to murder the heir, the Son of God within this
Messenger, these Keepers of the Flame, this Church Universal
and Trium phant: They, then, are bound—lest in destroying
they destroy the innocent!
In the name of Alpha and Omega, in the name of the Great
Central Sun, we send forth in the Holy Spirit, in the Father and
the Son, the full power of the Ruby Ray, the full power of the
action of the Judgment of the LORD God Almighty in the Ruby
Ray, sealed in the violet flame, sealed in Mighty Cosmos’
secret rays, sealed in the first ray of the Father, the second ray
of the Son, and the white fire of the Mother!
Therefore we demand the binding of those who have
denied the power of the Great White Brotherhood in the flesh,
who have gone forth to murder and kill those who are the law-
ful representatives of Sanat Kumara in the earth. We are demand -
ing the release of the Ruby Ray in this hour for the confounding

Copyright © 1985 Summit Publications, Inc. (Continued) 323

Note: Blocks of bold type may be repeated three or nine times.

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