Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1

0.09 Call for the Arresting of Spirals of Injustice

by Portia

Beloved I AM Presence, beloved Lords of Karma, I desire
this day, by the authority of the Christ within me, to register a
complaint, to call to the attention of the hosts of heaven this
injustice which I have witnessed and I have perceived. ______
(Here describe the injustice and name the persons, indicating the time and place of the event.)
And in the name of Almighty God, I withdraw all of God’s
energy from that injustice and I command that that spiral of
injustice be arrested now!
I ask the Lords of Karma to diligently consider the
righting of all wrong, the balancing of God-justice in the lives
of all individuals concerned; and I ask that my call be adjusted
accord ing to the will of God and that it be implemented accord-
ing to that will.
Portia, September 3, 1972, Atlanta, Georgia, “Go Forth to Challenge and to Check the Cycles of Injustice!”
published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 19 (1976), no. 23, p. 117.

0.09A Call for the Arresting of Spirals of Negative Karma

by the Great Divine Director

In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence and the Great
Divine Director, in the name Jesus Christ, I demand and com-
mand the arresting of the spirals of negative karma throughout
my entire consciousness, being and world!—that every single
cycle of every single cell and atom within my form that is not
outpicturing the perfect cycles of the Christ consciousness be
now dissolved, be now arrested and turned back by the authority
of my God Presence! And in the name Jesus Christ, I de mand
and command that the cycles of immortal Life and my Divine
Plan be fulfilled and that my ascension prevail!

Taken from a dictation by the Great Divine Director, October 10, 1971.
18 Copyright © 1971, 1977 Summit Publications, Inc.

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