Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1

  1. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of the
    tax-exempt status of Church Universal and Triumphant! (3x)
    Now made manifest in my hands and use today!

  2. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life
    of my finances and the U.S. economy! (3x)
    Now made manifest in my hands and use today!

1.30 Supply
I AM free from fear and doubt,
Casting want and misery out,
Knowing now all good Supply
Ever comes from realms on high.
I AM the hand of God’s own Fortune
Flooding forth the treasures of Light,
Now receiving full Abundance
To supply each need of Life. (9x)

For the healing of your personal finances and the economies of the nations,
Saint Germain teaches that we need to give 15 minutes of violet flame each day.
Omri-Tas gave us a dispensation that every 15 minutes of violet flame we give in
his name will be multiplied ten times, thereby counting for 150 minutes, or two
and a half hours, of violet-flame decrees. No one should let a day go by without
giving 15 minutes of violet flame in order to avail himself of this stupendous dis-
pensation for the balancing of karma in preparation for his own victory in the
ascension in the Light.
“I AM the Light of the Heart” is my mantra for the healing of the econo mies
of the nations.... “Pray without ceasing” is the answer that I give to those who
cry out for deliverance from the oppressive weight of the top-heavy economy. Take
this mantra then, my noble of heart, and alternate it with that old-time favorite
to Helios and Vesta, to the sun center of the flow of the abundant Life, and let us
see what we can still do to stave off impending destruction.
—Saint Germain, February 17, 1980

There is a power of God that can be summoned by you from your Mighty I AM
Presence. The Universal Christ in and through and around you is able to turn back
personal and planetary karma and to consume it by the sacred fire—if you are
willing to be one-pointed in giving daily dynamic decrees to the violet flame.

55.02 (cont.) Mantras for Healing the Economies of the Nations


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