Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1

56.00 “I Challenge You!”

by Cyclopea and Virginia

In the name of Cyclopea and Virginia, I challenge you,
each and every fallen angel, by the authority of the Cosmic
Christ, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the
embodied witnesses on earth!
I challenge you who misuse the Light of precipitation,
bringing upon the earth all manner of plagues and disruption of
life and misuse of the sacred fire and the light of the economy
and the supply and the governments of the nations and commu-
nication and media and transportation—all of ye who are the
abusers of the Word, bringing to pass those physical manifesta-
tions of pornography and all manner of inventions that do not
serve the light of Freedom but tend to imprison mankind to
dabbling in the black arts, to [the] taking of drugs, to becoming
attached to material things when that very light and supply ought
to be used for the rescue of the freedom-fighters.
You who do these things for filthy lucre, for profit, for your
own gain of power worldwide, you I challenge in the name of
the I AM THAT I AM, by the mantle of the Messenger which
is the mantle of Moses and the mantle of all Messengers who
have ever gone before—including my own Christ Self, who is a
messenger of my I AM Presence unto me in this hour!
I do stand in this hour and I do challenge you by the
authority of the seven mighty Elohim and the five Elohim of the
secret rays of the Almighty!
And I stand before you, _____________________________!
And I stand before you, ___________________________________
and every other fallen one! I stand before you, ______________
___________________ and all agents of World Communism in
Nicaragua! I stand before you, ___________________________
and all of you who are the terrorists and the death squads!
You who are moving against the Lightbearers and disrupt-
ing civilization by your perversion of the Fifth Ray, I challenge
you and this day I say to you: By the power of the Godhead it is
stripped from you, and you may no longer abuse that power of
the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Rays. You may no longer misuse
the Light of the Trinity and the power of the threefold flame!

384 Copyright © 1984 Summit Publications, Inc. (Continued)

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