Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1

  1. I AM fearlessness,
    for I AM sealed in the hand of Alpha and Omega

  2. I AM one in the flow of Love

  3. I AM the consuming by the sacred fire
    of the cause, effect, record, and memory
    of all that has been impressed
    upon the body of the Mother by the fallen ones

  4. I AM the flow of sacred fire consuming the seeds
    of rebellion left by the fallen ones

  5. I AM the Light of the fiery core
    of the flow of oneness of Alpha and Omega
    released for the canceling-out of the seed
    of the Fallen One in the etheric plane

  6. I AM the assimilation of the release of sacred fire
    in the consciousness of the Lightbearers

  7. I AM the sealing of the sacred fire
    in the third eye, the crown, and the heart

  8. I AM the reversing of the spirals
    of all consent and authority given to the fallen ones
    and to the carnal mind of my own creation

  9. I AM the cleansing of the mental belt
    of the remnant of the Fallen One

  10. I AM the exposure of the beast of the bottomless pit
    of the subconscious and the desire body

  11. I AM the challenger of the dweller-on-the-threshold
    of my own consciousness

  12. I AM affirming the judgment of the Fallen One
    within my own consciousness

  13. I AM the purging of every residue of the Fallen One
    in the four quadrants of my creation

  14. I AM the freeing of the earth body from the impressions
    of rebellion and the ego that is set apart
    from the Divine One

  15. I AM alert

Affirmations Taken from “The Judgment” 1.03 (cont.)

Copyright © 1976 Summit Publications, Inc. 29

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