Multiply! multiply! multiply! our decrees to the violet fl ame
by the power of the giant violet fl ame reservoir, as a sea of light
pulsating, deposited by beloved Omri-Tas in the heart of the earth!
By the power of Saint Germain’s Maltese cross, blaze thy
dazzling light of ten thousand violet fl ame suns throughout the earth
and her people and transmute all that is not of the Light into the
God-victorious, Light all-glorious, fl aming Jesus Christ perfection.
In thy name, O God, I decree:
- Violet fi re, I love thee!
Come, strengthen right desire.
With Mercy’s fl ame enfold me,
All guilt and blame retire.
Blaze through me now!
Blaze through me now!
Blaze through me now!
Refrain: Come, violet fi re!
Descend into my form!
Thy consecrated purity,
Bringing cosmic ecstasy
Making me to be like thee–
Adorn my being now!
- Harmonize my members,
My body fi ll with light,
My perfect image render,
In beauty I delight!
Penetrate through!
Penetrate through!
Penetrate through! - Descending drops of Mercy,
Like gentle summer rain,
Melt all hardened substance,
Dissolve my inner pain!
In I AM name!
In I AM name!
In I AM name!
70.01 (cont.) Violet Fire, I Love Thee!
454 (Continued)