Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1

(2) I AM, I AM, I AM the God-victorious light of immortal
purity, immortal justice, immortal mercy and forgiveness, and
immortal protection from God the Mighty I AM Presence in an
infinite portion of Ascended Master light substance around my
own being and world, expanding to include the United States
of America and every constructive nation and person on this
earth, the sea, in the earth or its atmosphere, and command the
divine plan of perfect harmony for the incoming golden age
fulfilled! I AM the wisdom, love, and power that teaches and
guides youth and age alike to abolish war, discord, gossip, and
selfishness in men and nations, sealing atomic power in the
violet flame and raising all men into the knowledge that I AM
the Light of the world and the Light I AM is merged into unity
at the Summit! (3x)

(3) I AM, I AM, I AM the Ascended Master immortal blessing
to all life! I call directly to the Great Central Sun to bless the
entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, every ascended
and cosmic being in or on all worlds whatsoever! I AM con-
sciously giving the authority for this earth into the hands of the
Ascended Masters even as the activities of The Summit Light-
house, Church Universal and Triumphant, Summit University,
Montessori International, Camelot, the Inner Retreat, Royal
Teton Ranch, Community of Glastonbury, all Teaching Centers
and Summit Lighthouse Study Groups are in their hands. I AM
calling for the violet fire of freedom’s love to blaze, blaze,
blaze from our Summit beacon, to raise, raise, raise all men by
the authority of the I AM law of Life consciously fulfilled right
now and with full power! (3x)

Fully conscious I AM that this is good, that it is the will
of God now made manifest, manifest, manifest right here and
now with full power, eternally sustained to the glory of God in
all life and therefore all-powerfully active, full of expanding
perfection until all are raised in the glory of their own Christ
ascension to meet their God Presence in the air, wholly as-
cended in the Light and free! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM,
Beloved I AM!
And in full Faith...

Summit Lighthouse Decree 6.00 (cont.)

Copyright © 1962, 1985 Summit Publications, Inc. 49

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