Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1



O God, I AM, I AM, I AM faithful unto thee!

My very own beloved I AM Presence, Holy Christ Selves
of all mankind, great hosts of Ascended Masters, beloved Jesus,
Lord Maha Chohan, Saint Germain, Nada, and the Great Divine

We call to thee for invincible Cosmic Christ protection
from the Great Central Sun’s blue-lightning ray, from the
angels of blue lightning, beloved Archangel Michael’s sword
of blue flame, and the full protection of the Great White Brother-
hood in, through, and around all connected in any way with
The Summit Lighthouse, Church Universal and Triumphant,
Summit University, Montessori International, Camelot, the
Inner Retreat, Royal Teton Ranch, Community of Glastonbury,
all Teaching Centers and Summit Lighthouse Study Groups,
our beloved Messengers, their family and staff, all Keepers of
the Flame, Communicants, students and servants of the Most
High God worlds without end.

We also call to beloved Portia, the Goddess of Justice, to
move into action now to
Strip us of all doubt and fear
Strip us of all doubt and fear
Strip us of all doubt and fear
and give divine justice to all mankind!

I AM justice, I AM justice, I AM justice in cosmic action
everywhere on earth!

We call upon the Ascended Masters’ law of forgiveness
for all mankind and those who would serve as tools to harm
this activity:

Father, forgive them; they know not what they do! (3x)

Copyright © 1962, 1985 Summit Publications, Inc.


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