pillar of light surrounded by the activity of the wall of blue
lightning of divine love and the violet transmuting flame in its
most powerful, dynamic action to keep our beloved Messen-
gers, their family, staff and student body safe and secure in the
Ascended Masters’ Light! (3x)
Lock your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame of
thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun and blaze, blaze,
and blaze megatons of cosmic Light, blue-lightning rays, and
violet fire in, through, and around:
All contemplated plots or attempts on the lives or persons
of our beloved Messengers, their family, staff and student body
by any and all tools of the sinister force or representatives of
the false hierarchy, deranged, disturbed, or demon-possessed
people; all sinister activities known or unknown—including
black magic, witchcraft, gossip and gossip entities (Carpia and
Harpia), false prophecy and accusation, CCJ, calumny, charac-
ter assassination, disinformation, media attacks, government
investigations, infiltration and spying instigated by cult-watch-
ers, religious fanatics (their prayers of malintent, death wish-
ing, mortal cursing, demons and discarnates), sons of Belial,
federal governments, the KGB/FSB, and the Establishment, all
of which would deny to Church Universal and Triumphant, The
Sum mit Lighthouse, all affiliates and members our freedom of
religion, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of
assembly and private property rights, as well as our inalienable
divine rights and the human right to life, liberty, and the pur-
suit of happiness—all such plots designed or used in any way
to block the mighty service to life of our beloved Messengers,
their family, staff and student body, to distort the Teachings of
the Ascended Masters, or to delay the manifestation of beloved
Saint Germain’s great golden age. (3x)
Lock your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame in,
through, and around all plots and conspiracies spawned by the
agents of Death and Hell, the Watchers, the Nephilim, the
Protection of the Beloved Messengers 6.03 (cont.)
Copyright © 1965, 1985 Summit Publications, Inc.