Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1
masses, psychopolitics and brainwashing, mob hysteria, riots,
the manipulation of the economies of the nations through the
mark of the beast, and the perversion of the masculine and
feminine ray in every walk of life;
All attacks and criticisms against the United States; dis-
sension and division within and without the United States;
Latin American unrest and hemispheric disunity; left and right
political demonstrations and controversies, and divide-and-
conquer tactics practiced against the children of God; crises
in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, the
United States of America, North and South America, Europe,
Africa, the Middle and Far East, India, Asia, Southeast Asia,
Russia and the former Soviet republics, China, Japan, Australia,
New Zealand, Tibet _____________________________________
All judicial and legislative lethargy, electoral dishonesty,
selfish pressure groups, misrepresentation of the true spirit of
the people through lobbies, partisanism, sectionalism, political
blackmail, and a lack of integrity in officeholders; the manipu-
lation of the national and international economy by Luciferian
bankers and economists; failure to comply with the golden rule
and the divine law of supply and demand; interference with
the God-government of the nations and the Ascended Masters’
God-protection and God-direction of transportation and the
communications media;
All misuses of the Mother flame and the Holy Spirit
in materialization: imbalances in the ecosystem, abuses and
pollution of the four elements; inefficiency in industry and
waste of our natural resources; inferior consumer goods and
their misrepresentation; labor racketeering, organized crime,
graft, inflation, unemployment; rural hardships and backward
methods, slums and ghettos, black and white power struggles
contrived by the Luciferians; all problems of underdeveloped
areas, especially poverty and ignorance; highway accidents;

7.02 (cont.) The Threefold Omni Decree


(Insert current trouble spots.)


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