Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1
Chapter 5

[ 93 ]

Instead of passing the whole client certificate to the upstream server, NGINX can do

some work ahead of time to see if the client is even valid. A valid client SSL certificate
is one which has been signed by a recognized Certificate Authority, has a validity date

in the future, and has not been revoked:

server {

ssl_client_certificate /usr/local/etc/nginx/ClientCertCAs.pem;

ssl_crl /usr/local/etc/nginx/ClientCertCRLs.crl;

ssl_verify_client on;

ssl_verify_depth 3;

error_page 495 = @noverify;

error_page 496 = @nocert;

location @noverify {

proxy_pass http://insecure?status=notverified;


location @nocert {

proxy_pass http://insecure?status=nocert;


location / {

if ($ssl_client_verify = FAILED) {

return 495;


proxy_pass http://secured;


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