Chapter 6
[ 121 ]
- min_uses: The file descriptor has to
be used this amount of times within
the inactive period in order to
remain open - valid: NGINX will check this
often to see if the file descriptor still
matches a file with the same name - off: Disables the cache
In the following example, log entries will be compressed at a gzip level of 4. The buffer
size is the default of 64 KB and will be flushed to disk at least every minute.
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log.gz combined gzip=4 flush=1m;
Note that when specifying gzip the log_format parameter is not optional.
The default combined log_format is constructed like this:
log_format combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';
As you can see, line breaks may be used to improve readability. They do not affect
the log_format itself. Any variables may be used in the log_format directive. The
variables in the following table which are marked with an asterisk (*) are specific to
logging and may only be used in the log_format directive. The others may be used
elsewhere in the configuration, as well.
Table: Log format variables
Variable Name Value
$body_bytes_sent The number of bytes sent to the client,
excluding the response header.
$bytes_sent The number of bytes sent to the client.
$connection A serial number, used to identify unique
$connection_requests The number of requests made through a
particular connection.
$msec The time in seconds, with millisecond
$pipe * Indicates if the request was pipelined (p)
or not (.).