Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1


[ 140 ]

Variable Name Value
$pid The process ID of the worker process.
$query_string An alias for $args.
$realpath_root The value of the root or alias directive for
the current request, with all symbolic links
$remote_addr The client's IP address.
$remote_port The client's port.
$remote_user When using HTTP basic authentication, this
variable is set to the username.
$request The complete request, as received from the
client, including the HTTP method, URI,
HTTP protocol, header, and request body.
$request_body The body of the request, for use in locations
processed by a *_pass directive.
$request_body_file The path to the temporary file where the
request's body is saved. For this file to be
saved, the client_body_in_file_only
directive needs to be set to on.
$request_completion If the request has completed, the value of this
variable is OK. Otherwise, it's an empty string.
$request_filename The path to the file for the current request,
based on the value of the root or alias
directive plus the URI.
$request_method The HTTP method used in the current request.
$request_uri The complete request URI, as received from
the client, including arguments.
$scheme The scheme for the current request, either
$sent_http_name The value of the name response header. If
this header has dashes, they are converted to
underscores; capital letters to lower case.
$server_addr The value of the server's address that accepted
the request.
$server_name The server_name of the virtual host that
accepted the request.
$server_port The value of the server's port that accepted
the request.
$server_protocol The HTTP protocol used in the current request.
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