Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1
Chapter 7

[ 169 ]

The addition module

The addition module works as a filter to add text before and/or after a response.

It is not compiled by default, so if you want to make use of this feature, you must
enable it at configure time by adding --with-http_addition_module.

This filter works by referencing a subrequest, which is then either appended to a

request, or placed at the beginning of one:

server {

root /home/www;

location / {

add_before_body /header;

add_after_body /footer;


location /header {



location /footer {




The addition module directives are summarized in the following table:

Table: HTTP addition module directives

Directive Explanation
add_before_body Adds the result of processing a subrequest
before the response body.
add_after_body Adds the result of processing a subrequest
after the response body.
addition_types Lists the MIME types of a response in
addition to text/html, in which an
addition will be made. It may be * to
enable all MIME types.
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