NGINX for the Developer
[ 182 ]
Directive Explanation
- size: Emits information about an
image in JSON format. - rotate: Rotates an image counter-
clockwise by either 90, 180, or 270
degrees. - resize: Reduces an image
proportionally by the width and
height given. One dimension may
be "-" in order to reduce by only
the other dimension. If combined
with rotate, rotation happens
after reduction. An error will result
in returning 415 (Unsupported
Media Type). - crop: Reduces an image by the size
of the largest side, as specified by
the width and height given. Any
extraneous space along the other
edges will be cut. One dimension
may be "-" in order to reduce by only
the other dimension. If combined
with rotate, rotation happens
before reduction. An error will result
in returning 415 (Unsupported Media
The size of the buffer used to process
images. If more memory is needed, the
server will return a 415 error (Unsupported
Media Type).
The quality of the resulting JPEG image,
after processing. Not recommended to
exceed 95.
Increases the sharpness of a processed
image by this percentage.
Disables preserving transparency of
transformed GIF and PNG images.
The default on preserves transparency.
Note that the empty_gif directive is not part of the image_filter module, but is
included in a default installation of NGINX.