Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1
Chapter 7

[ 187 ]

Preventing inadvertent code execution

When trying to construct a configuration that does what you expect it to do, you

may inadvertently enable something that you did not expect. Take the following

configuration block, for example:

location ~* \.php {

include fastcgi_params;



Here we seem to be passing all requests for PHP files to the FastCGI server responsible

for processing them. This would be OK if PHP only processed the file it was given,
but due to differences in how PHP is compiled and configured this may not always be

the case. This can become a problem if user uploads are made into the same directory
structure that PHP files are in.

Users may be prevented from uploading files with a .php extension, but are allowed
to upload .jpg, .png, and .gif files. A malicious user could upload an image file

with the embedded PHP code, and cause the FastCGI server to execute this code

by passing a URI with the uploaded filename in it.

To prevent this from happening, either set the PHP parameter cgi.fix_pathinfo
to 0 or use something similar to the following in your NGINX configuration:

location ~* \.php {

try_files $uri =404;

include fastcgi_params;



We have used try_files to ensure that the file actually exists before passing the

request on to the FastCGI server for PHP processing.

Keep in mind that you should evaluate your configuration
to see if it matches your goals. If you have only a few files,
you would be better served by explicitly specifying which
PHP files may be executed instead of the regular expression
location and corresponding try_files.
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