Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1

Troubleshooting Techniques

[ 190 ]

Error log file formats

NGINX uses a couple of different logging functions that produce the error_log

entries. The formats used with these functions take on the following patterns:

[log-level] #0: message

For example:

2012/10/14 18:56:41 [notice] 2761#0: using inherited sockets from "6;"

This is an example of informational messages (log level notice). In this case, an nginx
binary has replaced a previously-running one, and was able to successfully inherit the

old binary's sockets.

The error-level logger produces a message like the following:

2012/10/14 18:50:34 [error] 2632#0: *1 open() "/opt/nginx/html/blog"
failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: http://www., request: "GET /blog HTTP/1.0", host: ""

Depending on the error, you will see messages from the operating system (such as in

this case), or just from NGINX itself. In this case, we see the following components:

  • timestamp (2012/10/14 18:50:34)

  • log level (error)

  • worker pid ( 2632 )

  • connection number ( 1 )

  • system call (open)

  • argument to the system call (/opt/nginx/html/blog)

  • error message resulting from the system call (2: No such file or

  • which client made the request resulting in the error (

  • which server context was responsible for handling the request (www.

  • the request itself (GET /blog HTTP/1.0)

  • the Host header sent in the request (

Here is an example of a critical-level log entry:

2012/10/14 19:11:50 [crit] 3142#0: the changing binary signal is ignored:
you should shutdown or terminate before either old or new binary's

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