Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1
Chapter 8

[ 213 ]

Making network tuning changes in Solaris persistent
In the previous two sections, we changed several TCP-level
parameters on the command line. For Linux and FreeBSD,
these changes would be persisted after a reboot due to the
changes also being made in system configuration files (for
example, /etc/sysctl.conf). For Solaris, the situation is
different. These changes are not made in sysctls, so they
cannot be persisted in this file.
Solaris 10 and above offers the Service Management
Framework (SMF). This is a unique way of managing
services and ensuring a start order at reboot. (Of course, it
is much more than this, but this oversimplification serves
here.) To persist the TCP-level changes mentioned before,
we can write an SMF manifest and corresponding script to
apply the changes.
These are detailed in Appendix D, Persisting Solaris Network

Using the Stub Status module

NGINX provides an introspection module, which outputs certain statistics about
how it is running. This module is called Stub Status and is enabled with the

--with-http_stub_status_module configure flag.

To see the statistics produced by this module, the stub_status directive needs

to be set to on. A separate location directive should be created for this module,
so that an ACL may be applied:

location /nginx_status {

stub_status on;

access_log off;


deny all;

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