Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1

Directive Reference

This appendix lists the configuration directives used throughout the book.

There are also some directives that did not appear in the book, but are listed
here for completeness. The entries have been expanded to show under which

context each directive may be used. If a directive has a default value, it has
been listed as well. These directives are current as of NGINX Version 1.3.9.

The most up-to-date list can be found at


Table: Directive reference

Directive Explanation Context/Default
accept_mutex Serializes the accept() method
on new connections by worker

Valid context: events
Default value: on

accept_mutex_delay The maximum time a worker
process will wait to accept new
connections if another worker
is already doing this.

Valid context: events
Default value: 500ms
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