Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1

Directive Reference

[ 222 ]

Directive Explanation Context/Default
env Sets environment variables for use

  • inheritance during a live

  • making use of them in the
    perl module

  • making them available to
    worker processes

Specifying the variable alone
will use the value found in the
nginx environment. Setting
a variable may be done in the
form var=value.
N.B. NGINX is an internal variable
and shouldn't be set by the user.

Valid context: main
Default value: TZ

error_log The error_log file is where
all errors will be written. It may
be set to a file or stderr. If no
other error_log is given in a
separate context, this log file will
be used for all errors, globally. A
second parameter to this directive
indicates at which level (debug,
info, notice, warn, error,
crit, alert, emerg) errors
will be written to the log. Note
that debug level errors are only
available if the --with-debug
configuration switch was given
at compile time.

Valid contexts: main,
http, server,
Default value: logs/
error.log error

error_page Defines a URI to be served when
an error level response code
is encountered. Adding an =
parameter allows the response
code to be changed. If the
argument to this parameter is left
empty, the response code will be
taken from the URI, which must in
this case be served by an upstream
server of some sort.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location,
if in location
Default value: -
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