Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1
Appendix A

[ 223 ]

Directive Explanation Context/Default

etag Disables automatically generating

the ETag response header for
static resources.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: on

events Defines a new context in which
connection-processing directives
are specified.

Valid context: main.
Default value: -

expires Refer to the Header modifying

directives table in the Caching in
the filesystem section in Chapter 7,
NGINX for the Developer.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: off

fastcgi_bind Specifies which address should be

used for the outgoing connections
to a FastCGI server.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: -

fastcgi_buffer_size The size of the buffer used for

the first part of the response from
the FastCGI server, in which the
response headers are found.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: 4k|8k
(platform dependent)

fastcgi_buffers The number and size of buffers
used for the response from a
FastCGI server, for a single

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: 4k|8k
(platform dependent)


The total size of the buffer space
allocated to sending the response
to the client while still being read
from the FastCGI server. This is
typically set to two fastcgi_

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
default value: 4k|8k
(platform dependent)

fastcgi_cache Defines a shared memory zone to
be used for caching.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: off


One or more string variables,
which when non-empty or non-
zero, will cause the response to
be taken from the FastCGI server
instead of the cache.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: -

fastcgi_cache_key A string used as the key for storing
and retrieving cache values.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: -
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