Directive Reference
[ 236 ]
Directive Explanation Context/Default
lingering_timeout Also in conjunction with
lingering_close, this directive
indicates how long NGINX will
wait for additional data before
closing the client connection.
Valid contexts: http,
server, location
default value: 5s
listen (http) Refer to the listen parameters table
in the section named The virtual
server section in Chapter 2, A
Configuration Guide.
Valid context: server
Default value: *:80 |
listen (mail) The listen directive uniquely
identifies a socket binding under
NGINX. It takes the following
- bind: make a separate
bind() call for this
address:port pair.
Valid context: server
Default value: -
location Defines a new context based on
the request URI.
Valid context: server,
Default value: -
lock_file The prefix name for lock files.
Depending on the platform, a lock
file may be needed to implement
accept_mutex and shared
memory access serialization.
Valid context: main
Default value: logs/
log_format Specifies which fields should
appear in the log file and what
format they should take.
Valid context: http
Default value:
- $remote_user
sent, "$http
log_not_found Disables reporting of 404 errors in
the error log.
Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: on