Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1

Directive Reference

[ 246 ]

Directive Explanation Context/Default
proxy_next_upstream Indicates the conditions under
which the next upstream server
will be selected for the response.
This won't be used if the client has
already been sent something. The
conditions are specified using the
following parameters:

  • error: An error occurred
    while communicating with
    the upstream server

  • timeout: A timeout
    occurred while
    communicating with the
    upstream server

  • invalid_header: The
    upstream server returned
    an empty or otherwise
    invalid response

  • http_500: The upstream
    server responded with a 500
    error code

  • http_503: The upstream
    server responded with a 503
    error code

  • http_504: The upstream
    server responded with a 504
    error code

  • http_404: The upstream
    server responded with a 404
    error code

  • off: Disables passing
    the request to the next
    upstream server when an
    error occurs

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: error

proxy_no_cache Defines the conditions under
which the response will not be
saved to the cache. The parameters
are string variables, which
evaluate to something non-empty
and non-zero to not cache.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: -
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