Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1
Appendix A

[ 257 ]

Directive Explanation Context/Default

ssl_stapling_verify Enables verification of OCSP


Valid contexts: http,
Default value: -


The path to a file containing PEM-
formatted SSL certificates of the
CA's signing client certificates
and OCSP responses when ssl_
stapling is enabled.

Valid contexts: http,
Default value: -

ssl_verifyclient Enables verification of SSL client
certificates. If the optional
parameter is specified, a client
certificate will be requested and if
present, verified. If the optional

no_ca parameter is specified, a
client certificate is requested, but
doesn't require it to be signed by a
trusted CA certificate.

Valid contexts: http,
Default value: off

ssl_verify_depth Sets how many signers will be
checked before declaring the
certificate invalid.

Valid contexts: http,
Default value: 1

starttls Indicates whether or not STLS/

STARTTLS are supported
and/or required for further
communication with this server.

Valid contexts: mail,
Default value: off

sub_filter Sets the string to be matched

without regards to case and the
string to be substituted into that
match. The substitution string may
contain variables.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: -

sub_filter_once Setting to off will cause the match
in sub_filter to be made as
many times as the string is found.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: on

sub_filter_types Lists the MIME types of a response
in addition to text/html in which
a substitution will be made. It may
be * to enable all MIME types.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: text/

tcpnodelay Enables or disables the TCP

NODELAY option for the keep-
alive connections.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: on
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