Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1

Rewrite Rule Guide

[ 268 ]

# note the quotes around the regular expression - these
# required because we used {} within the expression
rewrite '^/images/([a-z]{2})/([a-z0-9]{5})/(.*)\.
(png|jpg|gif)$' /data?file=$3.$4;

# note that we didn't use the 'last' parameter above; if
we had,
# the variables below would not be set because NGINX
# have ended rewrite module processing

# here we set the variables that are used in the custom
# format 'imagelog'
set $image_file $3;

set $image_type $4;


location /data {

# we want to log all images to this specially-formatted
# to make parsing the type and size easier
access_log logs/images.log imagelog;

root /data/images;

# we could also have used the $image-variables we defined
# earlier, but referencing the argument is more readable
try_files /$arg_file /image404.html;


location = /image404.html {

# our special error message for images that don't exist
return 404 "image not found\n";


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