Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1

A Configuration Guide

[ 38 ]

Directive Explanation
ssl_certificate_key It specifies the path to the PEM-encoded
SSL secret key for this virtual server.
ssl_ciphers It specifies the ciphers that should be
supported in this virtual server context
(OpenSSL format).

Indicates that SSLv3 and TLSv1 server
ciphers are preferred over the client's
ssl_protocols Indicates which SSL protocols should be
ssl_session_cache Specifies an SSL cache, and whether or
not it should be shared among all worker
ssl_session_timeout How long the client can use the same SSL
parameters, provided they are stored in
the cache.

Full sample configuration

What follows is a sample configuration file including the different sections discussed
in this chapter. Please note that this should not be copy-pasted and used as is. It will

most likely not fit your needs. It is shown here only to give an idea of the structure of

a complete configuration file.

user www;

worker_processes 12;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

pid /var/run/;

events {

use /dev/poll;

worker_connections 2048;

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