Tropical Forest Community Ecology

(Grace) #1

128 Egbert G. Leigh, Jr

DPdevoted to making leaves and fine roots, and
mfandmrtheir loss rates. Let foliage dry massF
and root dry massR, in tons ha−^1 , b ein st eady
state, sopfDP=mfFandprDP=mrR. Finally,
let wood production dw/dt(including branches,
bark, and coarse roots) use the resources left over
from making leaves and fine roots, so dw/dt=
( 1 −pf−pr)DPtons ha−^1 year−^1.
Th erat eUof th efor est’s N uptak eis th esoil N
used in making new leaves, fine roots, and wood.
Let the N concentration bexin leaves,arxin roots,
andawxin new wood; let trees reabsorb fractions
zfandzrof the N in dying leaves and roots, so that
fractions 1−zfand 1−zrof the N in new leaves
and roots must b edrawn from th esoil, and l et
plants translocat ea proportionzwof th enitrog en
in new wood from older wood. Then

U=xpf( 1 −zf)DP+arxpr( 1 −zr)DP

+awx( 1 −zw)dw/dt


U=x( 1 −zf)mfF+arx( 1 −zr)mrR

+awx( 1 −zw)dw/dt

AsDPis a function ofU 0 , th eav erag erat eof sup-
ply of nutrients from litterfall, atmosphere, and
bedrock, we can calculateDPfromU 0 and th efor-
est’s allocation to wood, leaves, and roots. King
(1993) assumed that root biomass was in a com-
petitive equilibrium where no tree could benefit
by increasing its root biomass, and he used these
equations, appropriately parametrized, to calcu-
late numerically what allocation gives highestDP
for a givenU 0. H efound that foliag eallocation
stayed constant, but that asU 0 declined, the pro-
portion ofDPdevoted to fine roots increased at the
expense of wood production.
As predicted, a higher proportion of forest pro-
duction and biomass is below ground on poorer
soil. In Venezuelan Amazonia, the ratio of above-
to below-ground biomass is lower on poorer soil
(Medina and Cuevas 1989). Despite its better
soil, the rainforest at La Selva, Costa Rica, has
slightly lower gross production than central Ama-
zonian rainforest at Cuieiras, but the Cuieiras

Table 8.2 Total annual dry matter production
(DPtot), above-ground production (DPabove), and
below-ground production (DPbelow), in metric tons
ha−^1 , in two nearby 40-year-old Douglas fir stands on
soils of very different quality.

Soil DPtot DPabove DPbelow

Goo dsoil 17.8 13.7 4.1
Poor soil 15.4 7.3 8.1

Source: Keyes an dGrier (1981).

forest devotes a proportion of its gross produc-
tion to below-ground activities 7/4 times that
at La Selva (Table 8.1). In two nearby 40-year-
old stands of Douglas fir on soils of contrasting
quality in western Washington, total dry mat-
ter production was 16% higher on good soil, but
above-ground production was nearly twice as high
on good soil, whil eth er ev ers ewas tru efor b elow-
ground production (Tabl e8.2, from K ey es and
Grier 1981).

Nutrient conservation
What factors influ enc eth eavailability of nutri-
ents in leaf and soil? How can trees affect this
availability? The preceding section’s last equation
can be solved for leaf nitrogen concentrationx:

x=U/{[( 1 −zf)mfF+ar( 1 −zr)mrR
+aw( 1 −zw)]dw/dt}

For fixedU,xcan be increased by decreasing
the turnover ratesmfof leaves andmrof roots,
increasing the proportions of nutrientszfandzr
recovered from dying leaves and roots, increas-
ing th etranslocationzwfrom old to new wood,
or decreasing wood production dw/dt.
To learn what factors influence the rateU 0
of supply of nitrogen per unit area of soil, King
(1993) assumes that a fractionkof th eunus ed
supplyU 0 −Uleachesaway. When a tree falls, its
roots die, and its root biomass takes a few years
to recover: King (1993) assumes that, each year,
th ewhol eofU 0 is lost in a fraction of th efor est’s
area equal to twice the proportionmof trees dying
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