Tropical Forest Community Ecology

(Grace) #1
202 Stefan A. Schnitzeretal.





Species or individuals per 20 m


Shade-tolerant densityShade-tolerant richness

Pioneer densityPioneer richness

Liana densityLiana richness



Figure 12.3 Mean density and species richness in
ga pversus non-ga psites (n=17) for shade-tolerant
trees, pioneer trees, and lianas. Asterisks represent
significant differences (∗=P<0.05,∗∗=P<0.01,
∗∗∗=P<0.001). Modified from Schnitzer and Carson


lianas commonly compose approximately 25% of
the woody stems and nearly 30% of the woody
species in intact forest (Gentry 1991). In a test of
the ga phy pothesis in the same 50 ha area of for-
est on BCI where Hubbellet al.(1999) found no
difference in tree diversity between ga pand non-
ga psites, Schnitzer and Carson (2001) re ported
that both liana and pioneer tree abundance (den-
sity) and richness were significantly higher in both
5- and 10-year-old gaps than in non-gap sites on
both a per area and per stem basis (Figure 12.3;
Schnitzer and Carson 2001). Lianas and pioneer
trees combined can represent more than 40%
of the woody species diversity in many tropical
forests, demonstrating that gaps are important
for maintaining woody species diversity, even if
they fail to maintain shade-tolerant tree diversity
(Schnitzer and Carson 2000, 2001).

Lianas may be particularly abundant and
diverse in gaps because they can colonize gaps
in four ways, whereas trees typically use only
two. Lianas colonize gaps both from seed and
via advance regeneration, as do trees. Lianas can
compose from 18 to 32% of the advance regen-
eration (<2 m tall) under the intact canopy in
tropical forests (Putz 1984a, Putz and Chai 1987,
Schnitzer and Carson unpublished). Lianas can
also colonize gaps as adults, which is less common
in other growth forms (but see Bond and Midgley
2001). Putz (1984a) reported that approximately
90% of the lianas that were pulled into a gap dur-
ing the treefall survived and regenerated in the
gap. Lianas can also colonize gaps from the intact
forest by growing along the forest floor (Peñulosa
1984). Upon arrival in a gap, lianas vigorously
grow and produce new stems at a rapid rate (Putz
1984a, Schnitzeret al. 2000, 2004), which may
promote greater survivorship. Even though many
lianas may be shade tolerant (Gilbertet al. 2006),
because they can arrive in high numbers and sur-
vive in gaps for a long period of time, gaps may be
integral to maintaining their diversity.
Liana species richness may be maintained by
gaps via two main mechanisms. First, lianas
may be able to partition the abundant and het-
erogeneous light resource in gaps (sensuRicklefs
1977, Denslow 1980). While this mechanism
lacks strong empirical support, liana diversity was
higher in gaps than in comparable-sized areas
of intact forest, even after correcting for den-
sity (Schnitzer and Carson 2001), suggesting that
resource partitioning in gaps is possible. Second,
although lianas are sometimes considered to be
gap-dependent pioneers (Peñulosa 1984, DeWalt
of both pioneer and shade-tolerant species due to
their tolerance of low light (Gilbertet al. 2006)
and exceptionally rapid growth rates in high light
(Schnitzeret al. 2004). This rapid growth rate is
probably related to their reputedly high ratio of
Schnitzeret al. 2008), which allows them to fix
more carbon per unit biomass compared with
other growth forms. Consequently, treefalls may
increase liana diversity forest-wide by creating
ideal habitats for these species. Only detailed stud-
ies of the life history of numerous liana species
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