Tropical Arboreal Ants 345
as colonies finely divided into many searchers,
they may be particularly attractive partners
for plants and trophobionts. Small-bodied ant
taxa (e.g.,Azteca,Crematogaster,Allomerus, and
Myrmelachistaspp.) are the most common inhab-
itants of myrmecophytes (true “ant-plants,”
e.g., Davidson and McKey 1993), which should
have been selected consistently to obtain good
protection for minimal reward.
Results ofin vivosynchrontron x-ray imaging of
feedingCamponotusworkers have now revealed
no direct effect of proventricular activity on
liquid-feeding performances. Other anatomical
features (e.g., glossal morphology, buccal volume,
and mass of cibarial pump musculature) likely
directly determine liquid uptake rates of ants
For facilitating our work in the Manu National
Park of western Amazonia, we gratefully
acknowledge Peru’s office of Áreas Naturales
Protegidas (ANP-INRENA), Manu N.P. officials,
and the Museo de Entomología, Universidad
Nacional Agraria La Molina. We also thank
administrations and personnel of the Universiti
Brunei Darussalam, Kuala Belalong Field Studies
Center, and the Brunei Museums, for facilitating
our work in Borneo. Our contribution benefited
greatly from a critical review and from NSF
support (award IBN-9707932).
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