Tropical Forest Community Ecology

(Grace) #1
Erica Schwarz CARSON:“carson_index” — 2008/5/27 — 14:41 — page 512 — #22


trophic cascades 6, 280–4, 331
complex communities with species cascades 281
criticism most relevant to tropical systems 280–1
definitions 280–1
green world hypothesis (HSS) 280, 309, 316
more general definition 280, 280
diversity cascades 280, 281–2, 284
bottom-up cascade hypothesis 281, 281
top-down diversity cascade 281 , 282
hypotheses extended to ecosystem exploitation
hypothesis (EEH) 280
interference competition 276
role among plants, herbivores and their
predators 6
trait-mediated cascades 280, 281
density-mediated indirect interactions (DMII)
trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMII) 281
trophic cascades hypothesis 276
trophic cascades theory, problems and adjustments
current paradigm premature 283–4
entire trophic levels not deleted in diverse systems
herbivory levels on Venezuelan islands 283
insufficient natural history 283
detailed food web knowledge lacking 283
meta-analyses incomplete 283
temporal and spatial scales small 283
very few studies in tropical systems 282
tropical ant plants 275
tropical arboreal ants 334–48
ant associations with endosymbionts 339
δ^15 N values, imperfect predictors of trophic
levels 339
Dolichoderus, possible urate recycling 339
N-recycling or N-fixation by microsymbiont
competitive superiority of ecological dominants
elemental and ecological stoichiometry of 335–7
effects on ecology and evolution 336
exudate-foraging ants, highly imbalanced and
N-poor diets 337
high CHO:N dietary ratios, correlation with
excess CHOs 336
importance of mass balance of energy and
nutrient flows 335–6
many exudate feeders obtain N from exudates

mechanisms subsidizing pursuit of N-rich prey
quantification of relative N-deprivation 336–7
foraging functional groups 339–45
and ant community structure 342–3
defining foraging functional groups 341–2
form and function of ant proventriculus 340
and plant defense 343–5
important asymmetry between arboreal and
terrestrial ants 335
production of EFN and/or pearl bodies for ant
attraction 335
rivaled only by bees 335
role of stoichiometry in opportunistic ant–plant
interactions 337–9
comparisons of SUCmin and AAmin 337–8,
distributions of SUCmin/AAmin ratios 338,
future tests of manipulated competition
hypothesis 339
herbivory can induce nectar quality changes in
some plants 339
sugars offered at higher concentrations than
needed 338
superabundance and behavioral dominance,
ecological dominants 335
tropical biomes 35, 41
highest priority for conservation 43
tropical clade composition, towards prediction of
tropical communities
large-scale patterns in 3–4
modeled as series of parallel species chains 287
tropical conservatism hypothesis 40–2
and frost tolerance 41
similarities to the GAAH 40–1
tropical dry forests 63, 64, 394, 396
carrying capacity for primary consumers 315
evergreen species
different patterns of herbivory and defense 70
in riparian habitats 70
herbivory levels
and defense levels 68
TDF species vs.TRF species 71–2, 71
important in general understanding of tropical
biology 76
riparian habitats of 70
tropical ecosystems, alarming rate of destruction
tropical endophyte diversity 259–62
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