Tropical Forest Community Ecology

(Grace) #1
Explaining Geographic Range Size by Species Age 49

Range size

Range size

Species age



Species age

Figure 4.1 Graphical depictions of range-size
trajectories of species over time. Black dots indicate
sampling points in time. Ideally, fossil analyses can
allow the range size of a species to be assessed at
multiple time points (a), effectively sampling over the
lifespan of a species. When using molecular estimates
of ages, species can usually be sampled at only a single
point in time (b). By sampling multiple species (different
lines on the graph), a general relationship between
species age and range size can be inferred. However,
even if all species show roughly the same shape for an
age and area relationship (e.g., hump-shaped), if they
follow varying range-transformation trajectories,
sampling single points over time will introduce
considerable variation into the species age and range
size relationshi pand make inferring general trends
more difficult.

obscured when clades with distinct evolutionary
histories are combined.



Willis developed the age-and-area hypothesis
thinking about tropical floras, and even his critics

acknowledged that the hypothesis might be more
important in the tropics (Gleason 1924), which
were seen as stable and relatively homogeneous.
Despite this early attention to the tropics, to our
knowledge there have been no explicit tests of
the hypothesis using tropical plants.The immense
diversity of tropical plant species is only beginning
to receive a genetic treatment, and our estimates
of species’ range sizes are imperfect, but slowly
improving (e.g., Pitmanet al. 2001). Most of
the molecular dating of tropical plants to date
has been conducted at higher phylogenetic lev-
els; typically these studies are concerned with the
general age of families and genera, and inferring
when and where these groups of species diversi-
fied (e.g., Daviset al. 2005, Zeregaet al. 2005,
Muellneret al. 2006). In contrast, analyses of
age and area require species-level resolution to
properly address the hypothesis.
Here we examine the relationshi pbetween rela-
tive species age and range size in the diverse shrub
genusPiper(Piperaceae) using publicly available
internal-transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences from
GenBank ( Most of these
sequences were originally published in Jaramillo
and Manos (2001) and Jaramillo and Callejas
(2004a,b). We chosePiperbecause its species
are prominent and important members of many
rainforest communities throughout the world
(Jaramillo and Manos 2001, Marquis 2004),
there is a reasonably large amount of species-
level informative genetic data available, and this
taxon is an ideal model system for the study of
ecology and evolution (Dyer and Palmer 2004).
We focused our analysis on neotropical species
because many sequences were available for these
species, the biogeography of neotropical species
has been studied (Marquis 2004, Quijano-Abril
et al. 2006), and the range sizes of many species
could be estimated using data from the Missouri
Botanical Garden’s online database, W^3 Tropicos
We used Bayesian inference to infer a phy-
logenetic tree, and then used this tree topol-
ogy to estimate relative divergence dates among
the species using the program BEAST v1.3
(Drummond and Rambaut 2007), which uses
a Bayesian relaxed-clock approach to divergence
time estimation (Drummondet al. 2006). For the
phylogenetic inference, we aligned 113 sequences
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