Primal Blueprint Quick and Easy Meals

(avery) #1


Time in the Kitchen: 30 minutes

Servings: 4

2 tomatoes

3-4 roasted red peppers

¼-½ cup fresh basil, roughly chopped

½ cup olive oil

1 onion, finely chopped

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 pound ground bison

1 spaghetti squash

Spaghetti squash is available year-round and as the name suggests, is the perfect substitution for pasta. Topped with a quick but flavorful sauce,
it's a meal the whole family will love. A traditional ragu can take hours to develop flavor, but I cheat a bit by throwing in roasted red peppers, which
adds sweetness to mellow the acidity of tomatoes.
Cut tomatoes in half or fourths and put them in a food processor or blender with roasted red peppers and basil, until the sauce reaches the
texture you desire (either slightly chunky or totally smooth).
In a deep saucepan over medium-high heat, warm the olive oil. Add onion and sauté 1-2 minutes, then add garlic and ground bison. Season
bison with salt and pepper and cook 4-5 minutes until buffalo is lightly browned but still slightly pink, then add the tomato and red pepper purée.
Turn heat to high and simmer rapidly for 10 minutes.
While the sauce is simmering, cut the spaghetti squash in half and scoop out the seeds and stringy pulp. Microwave each half 6-8 minutes, until
soft. Scrape out noodle-like insides with a fork, drizzle with olive oil or butter, and serve with the bison ragu on top.

Macronutrient Profile (perserving)
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